Monday, July 16, 2007


It was with great delight that freedom-loving Muslims and non-Muslims learned of several positive developments regarding the Islamic terrorist apologist group Council on Islamic-American Relations (CAIR) and its continuing loss of credibility and influence. In June 2007, CAIR was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal terror case, a move that has already led to one of their meetings with U.S. Department of Justice representatives being cancelled on the grounds of "scheduling conflict". Hopefully the long-range implications regarding their credibility will jeopardize similar meetings with other federal, state and local agencies as well.

The second promising development was the report by the Washington Times daily newspaper that CAIR's membership roles have dropped from a pre-9/11 figure of nearly 30,000 to a current enrollment of about 1,800! That is a phenomenal decrease of over 90%, clearly illustrating the fact that CAIR has lost both credibility and influence with freedom-loving Muslims across the United States. Their number of chapters has increased nationwide, due to the fact that the primary source of CAIR donations are the same Wahhabists that routinely finance al-Qaeda and other Islamofascist groups.

CAIR is the same lobbying group that unsuccessfully tried to pressure the phenomenally popular FOX television show "24" into watering down their bold portrayals of Islamofascist groups and individuals under the laughable grounds that they were "Islamophobic". Those protests originated early in Season 4 of the huge hit show and were unsuccessful in getting Islamofascist characterizations watered down to suit the Jihadist sensibilities of CAIR and other radical fringe Islamist groups for the remainder of Season 4. Anyone who watched any of the first 17 episodes in Season 6 of "24", could plainly see that the portrayals of Islamofascist individuals, groups and strategies were even more realistic and accurate than the ground-breaking Season 6 than they were on Season 4. Many viewers of the legendary program are lauding this past season as the best yet and the season has been phenomenally successful in conveying the kind of future America would face if Islamic militants and their apologists like CAIR have their way.

Hopefully, the willingness of FOX television executives to push the envelope, combined with a steadily decreasing amount of credibility for Islamist pressure groups like CAIR, will embolden more Hollywood feature film producers and directors to up the ante in terms of more realistic characterizations in their portrayals of Islamic jihadists than those which have been presented in the past.

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